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2023 is a 70th anniversary year of Japan and Cambodia of their diplomatic relationship!

Hi, it's CPCC
2023 is a 70th anniversary year of Japan and Cambodia of their diplomatic relationship.

At the Japan-Cambodia Summit Meeting held in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia on 12 November, 2022, the logo for the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Cambodia in 2023 was announced.

Asset 5.pngThis logo was designed by Mr. Sroeun Menglong, a student

from Cambodia.
This logo based on the red and blue of the national flags of both countries, the number 7 is designed to resemble "Jahva" which is used as a part of the roof of temples, palaces, churches, pagodas and school, and the number 0 has the cherry blossom(Sakura), the national flower of Japan inside.
In addition, Sakura and Romduol, which are representative flowers of both countries, are attached next to the 70th anniversary letters.

AdobeStock_298038480.jpegFor your information, this flower is the Cambodian national flower, Romduol.It has a cute and lovely impression, doesn't it?
The whitish yellow flower bloom on the tree which grows 8~12m and the diamiter of the stem is about 20~30cm. 
The flowers are said to be fragrant from evening to night.
In ancient times, Khmer women used this fragrant flower to make lip balm.
In addition, the beauty of Cambodian women has been likened to this "Romduol", which is a representative flower of Cambodia.

Thanks for reading!






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